Sunday, November 6, 2016

Penguins and More on Phillip Island

I drove a rental car two hours south of Melbourne for three nights of penguin watching.
Cathy surrounded by penguins!
Phillip Island has a colony of 30,000 Little Blue Penguins who spend all day feeding on anchovies and small krill in the open waters and return to their burrows when the sun goes down. These Little Penguins are only 12 inches tall and vulnerable to large seabirds and all sorts of predators, so they rush the shore at dusk as a big group. There's safety in numbers. They are a hoot to watch as they waddle to safety as fast as they can.

And no, I didn't really get to touch any penguins! The photo above superimposes me into a stock photo of penguins. (Sorry . . . )

Girls watching the penguins from an undergound bunker
Little Blue Penguin
During the daylight hours I entertained myself with all sorts of island activities: hiking along magnificent coastline, seeing more koalas and wallabies (including a wallaby that hopped across the road in front of me), and touring a restored farm from the 1800's. The farm included a demonstration of sheep herding dogs and a sheep shearing demonstration, which I found interesting.

To see more pictures of the penguins go to:

1 comment:

  1. Mom is smiling down on you. What a wonderful thing to be able to do...all because Mom liked penguins, for many reasons. Glad that you can do all of the things you are doing.
